Thursday, May 19, 2011

God has a plan... didn't know my plan included implants!

Yesterday was my apt. at the Plastic Surgeon.  Wow, another sentence I never thought  I would write.  I was a bit relieved I have to admit because it was our first apt. that was NOT  located in the Hospital.  And because I knew they wouldn't have any bad news to report.  We walked in and they had creams and makeup on glass shelves.  The ladies at the desk walked over to me to fill out some info.  (she had 4inch heals on I am not kidding).  I felt like I should be shopping.  I started to feel kind of normal... until I got to the part on the info sheet where you ck off what you have or had in the past.... I am so used to just barely reading it, since I have had no surgeries, no medical problems, etc.  Then I saw it said Cancer.  Shit.  I have to ck that box.  Shit.  I think I almost broke the pen as I ck'd the box.  That is the first time since I have been diagnosed that I had to write I have cancer.  It is reality.  I handed in my Info sheets, and was called back to discuss (as Ben refers to it)  "my new rack".   He cracks me up, and frankly in this reality we wake up to every morning I need a little laughter.  So, they ask me to put on a gown.  It is so not a gown.  I start laughing.  It is like a crop top.  Now I know I am in a Plastics office.  Not like any gown I have ever been offered.  This is made from that paper stuff at your Gyno's office, but I sware it is a crop top.  I laughed so hard.  Ben took a picture of me in it, just so we could laugh about it later.  I am sitting down in the picture, b/c if I stood up it would be like a half shirt.  But, Pink is my favorite color, so I was happy.  It's the little things.
Dr. Treece is my plastic surgeon.  He is wonderful.  He has been working with Dr. Lilly for 19yrs.  So once Dr. Lilly is finished with the mastectomy, Dr. Treece inserts these expander things.  They are like boobs that don't have anything in them yet.  Each month Dr. Treece inserts saline in them through a needle.  Crazy.  Like "blossoming" over the summer.   Kind of reminds me of my 8th grade year.  Bad joke. Sorry.  Dr. Treece then sees me later in the fall and does the final implants.  Who knew? Me implants!  Everyone says God has a plan... didn't know my plan included implants!
I wake up every morning thankful that I am here on this earth.  I can't help but look at things differently.  I feel like each person in my life is reaching out to me and holding me up.  At every turn, I feel it.  So, the office visit was different, new, scary.  But with the support and love of everyone I can laugh, cry and push through this.  Thank you.  Doesn't seem enough to say those two little words. But for now... Thank you. 


  1. I love that picture...and I love you! :) Thank you for finding the humor in everything, and letting us share in you laughter, as we share in your tears.
    May the Lord bless you, keep you, and give you peace.

  2. Oh, Brett - that's hilarious! I'm not surprised to see your sense of humor shining through all of this. But you'll have to forgive all of us next fall when we're checking our your breasts. =) Hang in there, honey. We are thinking about you all the time!

  3. Your humor is amazing...the one thing that I always remember and love about you.

  4. I love your attitude! Keep it up! Thinking and praying for you often!

  5. Love you Brett - that sense of humor is going to help you kick cancer bootay

  6. Dr. Treece was my plastic surgeon, too! He is fantastic. I really liked his office staff too. He did a really great job on my 5th scar revision surgery, removed my infected cheek implant, did my left side eye brow lift, and used that extra tissue from the lift for a new cheek implant....all because of the stupid Fiberglass on a Saturn Car from my car accident!@ You are in good hands! Thinking of you!

  7. Brett,
    Love the pic! I love the way your humor shines through in you are one strong woman. Hang in there!

  8. New TATA's!!! Whoo Hoo!!! Praying for you everyday...your sisters are here for you...near & far. LITB!!

  9. I second Stepanie's post! We all care SOOOO much and are sending positive thoughts your way, everyday...every minute. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. LITB!

  10. Hey, the good news is that you can choose your size this time around! I, too, have implants. Silicone even... and no problems. With only one real boob, I gained weight in that breast but not the other, so I had to have the implant changed. Simple surgery. You won't even have that problem. Think lemonade out of lemons.

  11. They say laughter is the best medicine! Keep on laughing and showing your beautiful smile through this battle! Love you!

  12. Brett, I laugh with tears in my eyes. You are amazing! I may have to feel you up when they are all done a la the Sixteen Candles scene with the grandma. Remember I am here and just a text away!

  13. You are amazing!! Thanks for sharing all this with us!!
